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Admin panel logs

The admin panel log list allows you to verify the operational logs for the admin panel.

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, click [Operation] -> [Log management].

Image from Gyazo

Click [Log management] above the page title, and select [Admin panel log] in the dropdown menu.

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Image from Gyazo

Filter conditions

You can filter the logs easily using the keywords search and log date/time, advanced search functions.

Image from Gyazo

Enter the search keyword in the [Keyword] text box and click [Search] to filter logs that contain the specified keyword.

Image from Gyazo

Select the date and time range for the timestamp and click [Search].   The designated logging period is 35 days. When specifying past log dates, please make sure to specify within the 35-day range.

Click the [Advanced search] button to input advanced filter conditions.

Image from Gyazo

The following input options are available:

FieldDescriptionSpecifiable conditions
Host Site accessed.Available search operations
Log levelLog level indicating the importance of the message.Available search operations
ActionType of action.Action
HTTP method HTTP method of the request.Available search operations
Message[1]-[3]Supplemental information about the log.Available search operations
URIAccessed page URI.Available search operations
Client IP addressIP address of the user.Available search operations
Member IDMember ID of the user who attempted the access.Available search operations
Application request IDUnique request ID used by Kuroco.Available search operations
User agent User agent of the browser used for the access.

The advanced search function allows you to concatenate multiple conditions using AND or OR.

  • AND: Returns only data matching all the specified conditions in your search.
  • OR: Returns data matching any of your specified conditions.
Available search operations

You can specify the following operations in the search conditions:

OperationInput typeReturned data
containsText stringEntries matching part of the search term.
not containsText stringEntries not matching any part of the search term.
=Alphanumeric stringEntries exactly matching the search term.
!=Alphanumeric stringEntries not exactly matching the search term.
<Alphanumeric stringEntries less than the search term.
>Alphanumeric stringEntries greater than the search term.
<=Alphanumeric stringEntries less than or equal to the search term.
>=Alphanumeric stringEntries greater than or equal to the search term.
starts withText stringEntries beginning with the search term.
not starts withText stringEntries not beginning with the search term.
ends withText stringEntries ending with the search term.
not ends withText stringEntries not ending with the search term.
inAlphanumeric stringEntries matching any of the search terms (for multiple search terms only).
not inAlphanumeric stringEntries not matching any of the search terms (for multiple search terms only).

Under "Sort", you can specify the sort key and display order of the search results.

  • ASC: Ascending, from oldest to newest.
  • DESC: Descending, from newest to oldest.

Log entries

The columns displayed for the log entries are as follows:

TimestampDate and time the log was recorded.
Host Site accessed.
Log levelLog level indicating the importance of the message. See: Log levels below for details.
ActionType of action. See: Action below for details.
HTTP methodHTTP method of the request.
Message[1]-[3]Supplemental information about the log. The higher the message number, the more detailed the message contents.
URIAccessed page URI.
Client IP addressIP address of the user who attempted the access.
Member IDMember ID of the user who attempted the access.
Application request IDUnique request ID used by Kuroco.
User agent User agent of the browser used for the access.

Log levels

Logs are categorized into the 9 levels below, listed in order of increasing importance:

  • Default
  • Debug
  • Info
  • Notice
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Critical
  • Alert
  • Emergency


Messages Displays the details of the message in Message[1].
Access Access log.
RCMSForbiddenException Exception error.
UnauthorizedException Exception error.
NotFoundModuleException Exception error.
NotFoundException Exception error.
BadRequestException Exception error.


Image from Gyazo

SearchSearch based on the above settings.
DownloadDownload a list of the displayed logs.
DeleteDelete a list of the displayed logs.

Log list download

After click [Download] button, the download settings will open. Image from Gyazo

Image from Gyazo

CharsetCharacter encoding of the output CSV file.
CancelCancel downloading.
DownloadExecute downloading.


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