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File manager

Kuroco's file manager enables you to upload and manage various files, including images, text, and videos for your website.
Access the file manager by clicking [File Manager] in the sidebar menu.

Image from Gyazo

File manager screen


This section provides a brief overview of the functions available in the file manager.

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1. Upload

To upload new files, click the [Upload] button.
Multiple files can be uploaded at a time. The upload process will start once you have selected the desired file(s).
Uploaded images will appear as thumbnails, while other file types are displayed as icons.

Image from Gyazo

2. New subfolder

Click the [New Subfolder] button to create a new subfolder.

Image from Gyazo

The new subfolder will be listed in the left sidebar.

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3. Filter

Only files matching the filter criteria will be displayed.

Image from Gyazo

4. Display settings

Click the settings/gear icon to customize the file list display.

Image from Gyazo

SettingsDisplay or hide the file name, timestamp, and file size.
ViewSwitch between list, thumbnail, or compact (icon) view.
Sort bySort by file name, file size, or date and time.
OrderDisplay in ascending or descending order based on the selected "Sort by" criterion.
Thumbnail sizeSelect the icon/thumbnail size (150-500 px).

5. Folder list

A tree view of the existing folders is displayed here.
KurocoFiles is the folder available by default.

Image from Gyazo

6. File list

The list of files of the selected folder will be displayed. The file list displayed can be customized using 4. Display settings.

Image from Gyazo

Selected folder actions

Selecting a folder in the folder list changes the toolbar at the top:

Image from Gyazo

Note: You cannot rename or delete the default KurocoFiles folder.

1. Upload

Upload files to the selected folder.

2. New subfolder

Create new subfolders in the selected folder.

Image from Gyazo

3. Rename

Change the folder name.

Image from Gyazo

4. Delete

Delete the selected folder, including all its files and subfolders.

Image from Gyazo

Selected file actions

Selecting a file in the file list changes the toolbar at the top. The toolbar differs slightly for images and other file types. Below are the toolbars for image files and non-image files:

Image from Gyazo

The non-image file toolbar is as follows:

Image from Gyazo

Image files have an additional [Edit] button.

1. Upload

Upload files to the folder of the selected file.

2. View

Zooms in on the selected file.
Image content is displayed for image files, while icons are displayed for other file types.

Image from Gyazo

3. Download

Download the selected file.

4. Edit

Basic image editing tool.
Click [Save] after editing to apply the changes made.
To undo your edits, click [Reset].

Image from Gyazo

4-1. Resize

Resize the image height and width.
Select the "Keep aspect ratio" option to keep the width-to-height ratio of the original image when resizing.

Image from Gyazo

4-2. Crop

Crop the image.
Select the "Keep aspect ratio" option to crop an area with the same width-to-height ratio as the original image.

Image from Gyazo

4-3. Rotate

Rotate the image 90 degrees right or left. Rotating the image twice will turn the image upside-down.

Image from Gyazo

4-4. Adjust

Adjust the following visual properties of the image:

  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • Saturation
  • Exposure
  • Sepia tone
  • Sharpness

Image from Gyazo

4-5. Presets

Preset filters for the image:

  • Clarity
  • Her Majesty
  • Nostalgia
  • Pinhole
  • Sunrise
  • Vintage

Image from Gyazo

5. Copy

Copy files to the selected folder.
Click the triangle to the right side of the folder name to display folder's subfolders.


Files cannot be copied to the same folder.

Image from Gyazo

6. Move

Moves files to the selected folder.
Click the triangle to the right side of the folder name to display folder's subfolders.


Files cannot be moved to the same folder.

Image from Gyazo

7. Rename

Renames the selected file. The default value is the original file name. Click [OK] to save the changes.

Image from Gyazo

8. File path

Displays the path and URL of the selected file. Click on the link in the dialog box to open the URL.

Image from Gyazo

9. Delete

Deletes the selected file. Click [OK] in the dialog box to execute.

Image from Gyazo


Right-click on the uploaded ZIP file and click "Unzip" to extract the ZIP file in the file manager.
You can upload multiple files at once by extracting the ZIP file within the file manager.

Image from Gyazo

Setting Folder Permissions

Right-click on a folder you have created (other than the root folder) and click on [Folder ACL] to set permissions on the folder.

Image from Gyazo

Permissions for KurocoFiles

For open folders only write permissions could be setup. Mark groups you want allow access to selected folders and confirm your selection with click on [OK] button.

Image from Gyazo

Permission inheritance

If you setup permissions for parent folder all it's subfolders will have same permissions. If you need specific permissions for subfolder you can set up it directly. Subfolder permissions have priority on the parent permissions.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Discord Community.