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The group page allow you to verify, add, and update the user groups registered on the site.

Group list

Accessing the page

In the left sidebar menu, click [Member] -> [Group].

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Image from Gyazo

EnabledStatus of the group.
Image from Gyazo: Enabled
Image from Gyazo: Disabled
IDUnique ID of the group (automatically assigned upon group creation).
NameName of the group.
Member managementLink to the member list page, where you can view and edit the list of members belonging to the corresponding group.
User typeGroup permissions (log in only, content editor, or superuser).
Member information access restrictionsThe corresponding group's viewing restrictions on member information.
Admin panelType of the admin panel(Standard version,Simplivied version)
IP address restrictionAllowed IP Addresses

Group editor - Basic settings

Accessing the page

In the left sidebar menu, click [Member] -> [Group].

Image from Gyazo

On the group list page, click the name of the group you want to edit.

Image from Gyazo

Basic settings

Image from Gyazo

NameName of the group. Checking the "Enable" box activates the group.
User typePermissions allowed for members of the group.
  • Content editor:
    Can view and edit admin panel based on the Authorization settings specified.
    (Note: Selecting "Disable admin panel access" locks the page from editing by this user type when the API or admin panel display function is in use.)
  • Superuser:
    Has no restrictions.
IP address restrictionThe above specified permissions are given to users who access the site from this IP address.

Authorization settings

If you selected the "Content editor" option above as the user type, you need to configure authorization settings for each module.

Image from Gyazo

ViewUser can view all contents and settings for the module.
InsertUser can add new contents and settings to the module.
UpdateUser can update any contents and settings for the module.
DeleteUser can delete any contents and settings for the module.
Allow activation (KurocoEdge)Grants permission to enable deployment.

Bulk selection

Click the box next to "Select all" to bulk select one or more permissions for all modules.

Image from Gyazo


Image (fetched from Gyazo)

UpdateSave the changes made on this page.
DeleteDelete the current group.

Group editor - Access restrictions

Accessing the page

In the left sidebar menu, click [Member] -> [Group].

Image from Gyazo

On the group list page, click the member information access restriction for the group you want to edit.

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Image from Gyazo

Basic policyOption to set view restrictions on member information. If you select "Restricted", you need to specify the allowed groups under exception settings.
Exception settingsUser group(s) who are allowed access to member information.


Image from Gyazo

UpdateSave the changes made on this page.

Default group settings

You can specify the group that will apply to a newly registered member.

Accessing the page

From the dropdown menu on top left of the group list page, click [Default group settings]. Image from Gyazo

Field description

Image from Gyazo

Registered groupsSelect group(s) to be set as a default group(s).
Dsiplay current authorityClick to check the current authority of the selected default groups.


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