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Member management

The member management page enables you to view, add, and update the list of members registered on the site.

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, click [Member] -> [Member].

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Image from Gyazo

SearchFilters members by keyword. Click [Advanced search] to specify more search criteria.
IDUnique member ID (automatically assigned).
Login permission flagPermission to log in to Kuroco.
Image from Gyazo: Allowed
Image from Gyazo: Denied
NameName of the member.
GroupUser group(s) that the member belongs to.
Updated onDate and time of last update to the member information.
SortThe sort order of the member. After entering the numbers, click [Update sorting] to arrange the entries in descending numerical order.

Display field settings

Click the settings icon [⚙️] in the upper right corner of the screen to open the display field settings dialog. This allows you to add fields (columns) displayed on this screen.

Image from Gyazo

Batch actions

Image from Gyazo

You can perform the following batch actions by selecting multiple members using the checkboxes in the left-most column.

Enable loginAllows the selected members to log in to Kuroco.
Disable loginForbids the selected members from logging in to Kuroco.
DeleteDeletes the selected members.
Update sortingRe-sorts all members in descending order based on sort number.

Member editor

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, click [Member] -> [Member].

Image from Gyazo

On the member list screen, click the name of the member whose information you want to edit.

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

ID information

Image from Gyazo

Member IDUnique member ID (automatically assigned).
NameMember name.
E-mailE-mail address of the member.
Login IDSpecify your login ID of choice.
PasswordChecking this box allows you to set a new password.
2-Step VerificationDisplays the setting status of the 2-Step Verification.
Authorized to log inChecking this box allows the member to log in to Kuroco.
Login permission expiry dateExpiry date for the login permission.
Proxy login permissionEnter the member IDs allowed to log in on this user's behalf. Only users with permission to log in to the admin panel can set proxy logins.
GroupUser group(s) that the member belongs to.
RemarksUse this field to enter any comments or memos about the user.
SortSort number of the member. Entries are sorted in descending numerical order on the member list screen.

Profile information

Image from Gyazo

NicknameNickname of the member.
AddressResidential address of the member.
Contact numberTelephone number of the member.

In addition to the fields above, the additional field configurations are also displayed here.

Other actions

Image from Gyazo

UpdateApply any changes made in this editor.
DeleteDelete the current member.
Update commentComment field for any changes made to the member.


Click the [More] link in the upper right corner of the Member editor screen, then click [Changelog] to see a list of the history of editing the member.

Image from Gyazo

Member changelog

Image from Gyazo

VersionDisplays the version.
You can see the target version after clicking the version link.
Updated onDisplays the date and time the content was updated.
Updated byDisplays the name of the member who updated the content.
ActionDisplays the type of processing performed.
The following are the six types of statuses:
  • Create new
  • Update
  • Deleted
  • Request
  • Approved
  • Reject Approval
CommentDisplays the comments at the time of update.
ContentDisplays the updated contents.

Login History

Click the [More] link in the upper right corner of the Member editor screen, then click [Login History] to see a list of the login logs of editing the member.

Image from Gyazo

Image from Gyazo


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Discord Community.