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Member invitation

The member invitation screen allows you to invite new members to the site.

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, click [Member] -> [Member].

Image from Gyazo

On the member list screen, click [Invite] in the upper right corner.

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Image from Gyazo

Please enter the email addresses of the recipientsAn invitation will be sent to this address. For multiple recipients, enter each address on a new line.
Registered groupsSelect the user group(s) the recipient will belong to.

Click [Next] to create the invitation.

Create invitation

Image (fetched from Gyazo)

Invited recipient's e-mail addressE-mail address the invitation will be sent to.
Initial group for invited membersUser group(s) the recipient will belong to.
Your nameEnter your first and last name here.
MessageBody text of the invitation.

Click [Send] to send the invitation.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Discord Community.