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Site list

The site list screen enables you to view, add, sync, and backup any websites linked to your target site. Items can only be added and displayed on the admin panel for the main site, not for the subsites.


The number of domains is limited depending on the plan.
Please refer to the "Custom Domains" section in the KurocoEdge Pricing Table for more details.

Site list

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, under "SETTINGS", click [Environment] -> [Site list].

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Image from Gyazo

SearchFilter the sites by site key, administrator, admin e-mail address, URL, and/or site name.
Site keySite key.
Site nameName of the site.
Release versionRelease version of the site.
StatusIndicates if the site is currently active.
Log inIndicates whether site login is enabled.
fetched from Gyazo: Enabled
fetched from Gyazo: Disabled
URLFront-end domain of the site.
Sync source site keySite key of the synchronization source.
Sync typeSync type (Sync with app or Sync all).
Creation dateDate and time the site was created.
UserName and company of the site owner.
UsageSite Usage.
MemoMemo or note entered on the corresponding site editor screen.
EditLink to the site editor.
BackupClick to create a backup of the site.
Admin panelLink to the main admin panel for the site.

Batch actions

Image from Gyazo

You can perform the following batch actions by selecting multiple sites using the checkboxes in the left-most column.

SyncSync all selected sites based on the corresponding source site keys and sync types.
BackupBackup all selected sites.
DeleteDelete from all selected sites.
The parent site cannot be deleted from the site list. To delete the parent site, delete all subsites first, then delete the parent site at the "Account Settings".

Add new site

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, under "SETTINGS", click [Environment] -> [Site list].

Image from Gyazo

Click [Add] in the upper right corner of the site list screen.

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Image from Gyazo

Source site nameSelect the source site from the dropdown list.
MemoEnter a memo or note about the site.
Site nameEnter a name for the site.
Release versionRelease version of the site.
Site keyEnter the site key to be used for the endpoint URL.
  • Input format: https://[SITE-KEY] Only letters and numbers are allowed.
URLTo share the front-end domain, check the [Front-end sharing] checkbox, then select the front-end domain to be shared.
E-mailEnter the e-mail address of the site user. Once the site is added, a notification will be sent to this address.
Initial passwordEnter the initial password for the site.
Company nameName of the site owner's company.
NameSite owner's full name.
AddClick to add the site with the above information.

Site editor

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, under "SETTINGS", click [Environment] -> [Site list].

Image from Gyazo

On the site list screen, click [Edit] next to the site you want to edit.

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Image from Gyazo

MemoEnter a memo or note about the site.
Site nameName of the site.
SiteKeyDisplays the site key.
URLIf you check [Front-end sharing], select a URL, and create a site, the selected site URL will be set as the Front-end domain and configured in the API's CORS.
DomainDisplays the front-end domain, link to the admin panel, API domain, and KurocoFiles domain.
StatusIndicates if the site is currently active.
SynchronizationCheck the "Sync" box and click [Update] at the bottom of the page to synchronize your site with the specified source site key and sync type.
E-mailE-mail address of the site owner. Once the site is added, a notification will be sent to this address.
Company nameName of the site owner's company.
NameSite owner's full name.
MaintenanceChecking the "Enable only API" box will cause the API endpoint to return a 503 Service Unavailable status. The admin panel will display the message "Currently under maintenance".
Creation dateDate and time the site was created.
Updated onDate and time the site was last updated.
UpdateClick to apply all changes made in this editor.
Update commentEnter a comment or note about this update.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Discord Community.