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Backend list

The user can view the pre-configured Backend Host list and add new ones from this screen.

Accessing The Screen

From KurocoEdge menu, click Backend List.

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

This screen lists all the backends configured for your Fastly service ID.
This represents a whitelist of backends to which KurocoEdge is allowed to forward responses, selectable for deployment versions or in the "Backend URL" rule settings.

Image from Gyazo

StatusThe backend used in the deployed operation is marked with a check mark.
TypeHost provider name or type.
DefaultDefault backend of the currently active deployment will be marked "○".
Backend addressURL or IP address of the host.
Backend portHost port number manually or automatically set-up during registration.
Enable TLS connectionIf connecting to the backend with TLS, it will be indicated with a check mark.
Verify certificateCertificate verification status ○ (verified) or × (not verified).
Override HostDomain name to rewrite original host.
First byte timeoutMaximum waiting time for a response from the host.
CommentThe comments set for the backend will be displayed.

Add Backend Host

The user can add new backend hosts by clicking the "Add" button.

Image from Gyazo

Image from Gyazo

Backend addressURL or IP address of the host.
Backend portHost port number set to 443 by default.
Override hostBy checking the checkbox, the input field of override host is displayed.
Enable TLS connectionCheckbox to enable TLS for the connection.
Verify certificateCheckbox to validate the domain's SSL certificate.
First byte timeoutMaximum waiting time for a response from the host. Default value is 15s.
CommentYou can leave a comment as a note.
AddButton to save the new host

Edit Backend Host

The user can update exisiting backend hosts by clicking on the link displayed under "Backend Address".

Image from Gyazo

Image from Gyazo

StatusIndicates whether the backend is being used in the active deployment.
TypeHost provider name or type automatically assigned after creating host.
DefaultThe current default host will be marked "○".
Backend addressURL or IP address of the host.
Override hostBy checking the checkbox, the input field of override host is displayed.
Backend portHost port number set to 443 by default
Enable TLS connectionCheckbox to enable TLS for the connection.
Verify certificateCheckbox to validate the domain's SSL certificate.
First byte timeoutMaximum waiting time for a response from the host. Default value is 15s.
CommentYou can leave a comment as a note.
UpdateButton to save changes made to the current host.
DeleteButton to delete the current host.


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