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Add or edit rule

You can add new deployment rules or edit existing ones from the [Deployment list] screen..
Rules can only be configured when the deployment is in draft status.

Accessing the page

From the left sidebar menu, click [KurocoEdge] -> [Deployment list].

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Click on a Deployment's version number to view the Rules list page.

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Click on the rule ID from the rule list or click "Add".

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Select from templates

You can select from the preset templates when adding new rules.

Image from Gyazo

URL path pattern

Regular expression string is required to define the URL path pattern.

Image from Gyazo


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DescriptionSummary of the rule, viewable from the Rules list page.
URL path prefixDirectory path for rule groups.
Request destination filterSets a filter for the request destination.
Execution priorityDefines the order of precedence for the rules.
StatusEnables or disables the rule.
UpdateSaves changes made to the rule.



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Add ActionAllows the creation of one or more actions.


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Field settingsAllows selection of a rule type from the dropdown. Selecting a type will display additional detailed settings fields.
Add FieldAllows the creation of one or multiple conditions/datasets.


Image from Gyazo

Field settingsAllows the selection of an field settings from the dropdown
Add FieldAllows the creation of one or multiple action types.

Directive flag

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Skip other actions at runtimeEnabling this toggle will skip any following Actions and end the processing if the current Action is successfully executed.
Invert conditions resultWhen enabled, it will invert the final result (True/False) of the condition/variable. In other words, if any of the conditions are evaluated as False, then the final result will inverted from False to True, executing the Action.

Manage Action Items

  • Move: change the order of the fields Image from Gyazo

  • Delete: remove the field from the Rule Image from Gyazo

Update/Delete button

Image from Gyazo

UpdateSaves the changes made to the rule.
DeleteDelete the displayed rule.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Discord Community.