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Rules list

The deployment page allows users to check basic deployment settings and view a list of rules configured for that deployment.

Accessing the page

From the side menu, click [KurocoEdge] -> [Deployment list].

Image from Gyazo

Click on a deployment's version number to access the deployment page.

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Deployment settings

Default backend

This dropdown displays the selected Default Backend for the current Deployment.
It can only be edited in Draft mode, allowing users to choose a default backend from the pre-configured list.

Image from Gyazo


The Description field shows the cloning timestamp and the user who performed the action by default. Users can edit this field for every status type by clicking the "Edit" button.

Image from Gyazo

Schedule publish date

A publishing date can be scheduled for Draft and Locked deployments to automatically activate at a specified date. Users can edit this field for every status type by clicking the "Edit" button.

Image from Gyazo

Manage deployments

Image from Gyazo

PreviewView deployments in Draft or Locked mode without activating them.
CheckView changes applied to the current version compared to the original content.
More > DownloadDownload the rules.
More > UploadUpload the rules.
More > DeleteDelete the deployment version in Draft or Locked mode. This action is irreversible.
CloneCreate a new deployment by duplicating any existing version, including its rules and settings.
ActivateActivate Draft and Locked deployments to reflect their configuration on the production website. The currently Active Deployment will be locked.

Rules list

The rules list displays all rules, sortable by priority (default), URL path pattern, then updated on date & time.

Image from Gyazo

StatusDisplays enabled or disabled icon for each rule.
Rule IDDisplays the identifier automatically assigned to each rule.
URL path patternDisplays the regex of the URL path pattern.
DescriptionDisplays the rule's description if set by the user.
Action typeDisplays the action type and name.
Execution priority(descending)Displays the rule's priority as manually set by the user. Learn more about the execution priority.
Updated onDisplays the timestamp of the latest modification made to the rule.

Add rule

The [Add] button allows users to add a new rule under the current Draft deployment.

Image from Gyazo

Search by keyword

This feature allows users to search by keyword within the URL column. Click the "Search" button to view the results.

Image from Gyazo

Click the "Advanced Search" button to display additional filter options.
The "Status" dropdown allows filtering by specific statuses (Enabled/Disabled).
The "Items per page" dropdown customizes pagination, allowing users to view 20, 40, 80, or 100 rules per page.

Image from Gyazo

Batch Actions

Users can select one, multiple, or all rules using the checkbox column to apply batch actions in Draft mode.

Image from Gyazo

EnableEnables the selected rule(s) (if currently inactive).
DisableDisables the selected rule(s) (if currently active).
DeleteRemoves the selected rule(s) from the deployment.
Update sortingApplies changes made to the priority field on the list.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Discord Community.