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Deployment operation check

Users can compare the original responses from their domain URLs with the responses received after applying changes to a specific Deployment version.

Accessing the screen

From the left sidebar menu, click [KurocoEdge] -> [Deployment list].

Image from Gyazo

Click on a Deployment's version number to view the rules list page.

Image from Gyazo

Click the [Check] button to view the "Operation Check" page.

Image from Gyazo

Operation check settings

Image from Gyazo

URLOptional field to enter the path to a specific web page on the displayed domain.
VersionDropdown listing all versions available for comparison.
CheckButton to execute the comparison before and after the Rule/Header Request changes.

Add request header

Click on "Add Request Header" to show the settings fields

Image from Gyazo

NameDropdown displaying the available Request types.
ValueEnter the Request value.
ClearDelete a Header Request entry.
Add Request HeaderAdds a blank Header Request entry.

Header and Body previews

Image from Gyazo

Response from origin serverDisplays the original response from the selected URL before any changes were applied via KurocoEdge.
After applyingShows a preview of the response after applying the Rule/Header Request changes in the selected Deployment.

Applied rules list

Image from Gyazo

StatusDisplays an icon indicating whether each Rule is enabled or disabled.
Rule IDDisplays the identifier automatically assigned to each Rule. The user can access the Rule Editor by clicking on the ID.
URI PatternDisplays the URI prefix set by the user.
DescriptionDisplays the Rule's description, if provided by the user.
Action TypeDisplays the Action type and name.
Execution PriorityDisplays the Rule's priority as manually set by the user. A lower numeric value is higher in priority.
Updated onDisplays the timestamp of the most recent modification made to the Rule.


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