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Integrating KurocoEdge


Estimated Time: 10 minutes


KurocoEdge is an EdgeProxy service designed to be integrated into a Edge computing platform for use.
The free trial of KurocoEdge allows using most features and rules in a standalone mode - by exporting the created rules as a json file, and adding it to your application.
By subscribing to the paid plan of KurocoEdge, you will be able to have the app directly connect with Admin Panel interface and the created rules, enabling the use the Active deployment or the preview feature of draft versions without needing to export the rules as a file, as well as unlocking the entirety of the features.

If you are interested, please inquire through Support.


KurocoEdge is a service that allows adding various functionalities to any website without modifying the existing system. As a beginner's guide, we have prepared the following 3 steps:

  1. Changing the Display of a Sample Site
  2. Changing the Display of Your Website
  3. Integrating KurocoEdge

In this tutorial, we will integrating KurocoEdge with your own website.

Integrating KurocoEdge

Custom Domain/TLS Certificate Settings

Site registration and DNS settings are required for your site to integrate with KurocoEdge.

First, you will need to register the site you wish to be optimized.
Click [Environment] -> [Custom domain/TLS certificate].

Image from Gyazo

Enter the domain of the site to be optimized and click [Add].

Image from Gyazo


No trailing slashes, directories, etc. are required for the step above.


Once added, the custom domain cannot be changed. If you have entered it incorrectly, please contact our support team.

Custom Domain DNS Records/TLS Certificate Settings

The DNS settings value will be displayed after you've set your custom Edge domain. Set the CNAME displayed in the [Domain ownership verification] section.

Image from Gyazo

Reference: DNS record settings differ depending on which domain registrar you acquired it from. For setting details, refer to the domain registrar from which you acquired your domain(s).

It may take some time until the updated DNS settings are reflected. Once you have confirmed that the [Domain ownership verification] step is completed, proceed to the next step.


Existing sites will not be affected until you configure DNS Records to use your domain.

Updating the KurocoEdge domain

Next, we will be updating the KurocoEdge domain for your account settings.
Click [Environment] -> [Account].

Image from Gyazo

Select the custom domain that was set up previously as the KurocoEdge domain and click [Update].

Image from Gyazo

Configure DNS Records to use your domain

Finally, we will set up the DNS records to use the custom domain.
Click [Environment] -> [Custom Domain/TLS Certificates].

Image from Gyazo

Follow the configuration shown below and set the DNS record to use the domain.

Image from Gyazo


It is recommended to fix the host file and check the display of the site before changing the DNS. After confirming the site is being displayed, be sure to restore the host's setting.

After completing the DNS settings, the rules set in KurocoEdge will be applied to your site.


By properly configuring KurocoEdge, it is possible to adjust the display and meta tags of your site, and implement additional functions, without having to modify the existing system.

Please refer to other our other documents and tutorials and learn more about optimizing your existing site for free, using our tool.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Discord Community.