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Edge settings

On the Edge settings page, you can view program information and configure settings for your KurocoEdge account

Accessing the Edge settings

From the left sidebar menu, click [KurocoEdge] -> [Edge settings].

Image from Gyazo

Edge settings

Program information

Image from Gyazo

Program versionVersion of the currently deployed KurocoEdge program.
Expiry dateExpiry date of the KurocoEdge account.
DownloadPlatform: The Edge computing platform to download the rule for.
Rule version: Choose the rule version to download.
Program version: Choose the program version to download the rule as.


Image from Gyazo

Clear cacheThis setting allows to force flush all the Edge cache for the current site.
Basic authenticationEnter one or more sets of credentials for basic authentication using the format:
Multiple sets can be entered if separated by line breaks.
The "Update" button will apply changes made to this field. Unsaved changes will be discarded after switching to a new screen.
IP address restrictionSet the IP addresses allowed to access the site in CIDR notation, including the subnet mask.
To allow only specific fixed IP addresses, use the format: "123.456.789.0/32".
The "Update" button will apply changes made to this field. Unsaved changes will be discarded after switching to a new screen.
Error page HTMLIn the case of failed authentication, the user can customize the error page title and content from this field. The HTML input will be displayed for Active deployment and Preview mode (Draft/Locked).
The "Update" button will apply changes made to this field. Unsaved changes will be discarded after switching to a new screen.
Expiration date of Kuroco IDKuroco ID is a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) that is automatically assigned to identify the same user across different services.
Set the retention period for the assigned Kuroco ID, in days (e.g., 30).
The "Update" button will apply changes made to this field. Unsaved changes will be discarded after switching to a new screen.
Default backend hostThe URL used as the default backend host for your KurocoEdge account.


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